Thursday, November 6, 2014

the call to blog

I've tried writing before - journaling and some minor blogging. I've always given up prematurely because I either ran out of time or I had a difficult time coming up with getting what is in my head onto 'paper'. Yesterday in NURS 641 Dr. Abendroth called us to write... she didn't plead with us, but it felt close to it. How else do we learn from other's experiences? We tell our stories, we share them. At first I was closed-off to the whole idea because I've tried it before and did not have much success, but then I got to thinking. When I was a new mom (who am I kidding I still am a new mom) I read a few particularly poignant blog articles that made an impact on how I was feeling. At 2 am while my baby wasn't falling asleep I felt like these women's stories were speaking directly into my heart. I didn't feel desperately alone anymore. I identified with what they too had felt and I was able to take their words and apply them. My spirits felt lifted and 2 am suddenly did not seem to isolating. These women... were just storytelling. Nothing more extravagant or time consuming than that. Most likely nobody will read what I have to say, but if someone were to come along, read my thoughts, and not feel so alone then I will have done something bigger than myself.

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